News and blogs
From across the Commission network
Church to church partnering
Find out more about Open Door Church Sunbury (UK) and Open Door Church Philippines.
Responding to Social Injustice
The report of a meeting with 25 key representatives from the Newfrontiers network of churches.
A time for preparation and action
How to prepare your churches for increasing poverty as a result of the pandemic.
An exciting new partnership
Commission has teamed with Union School of Theology to deliver leadership and theology training
Burmese congregation opens!
Open Door Church Sunbury (UK) has opened Commission’s first 2nd-language congregation.
Launch of ‘Vision for Meru 2040’
Edward Buria marks ‘A moment in history’ in Kenya alongside county governor.
Coaching for church pioneers
Stewardship offer ‘game changing’ governance support through their church planting pathway.