Mental Health in Covid-19 Times: Part 2


During times of change and uncertainty it’s more important than ever we look after our own and others’ mental health and look out for each other.

We previously shared tips for self-care and to suggest to others; now we will look at connecting with people who may be struggling – and at this time it’s likely to be via phone or video call.

Try to:

Listen and communicate non-judgmentally

Give support and information

Signpost or encourage the person to access professional help

It’s important not to


Dismiss their thoughts or feelings

Make promises to resolve their problem

Take responsibility for their mental health


Here is some advice for specific situations you may come across:

If someone is anxious or depressed – Encourage them to seek medical advice from their GP if this continues consistently for a period of over two weeks and is significantly impacting their daily life.

If someone discloses self-harm – Focus being non-judgemental and if it is a medical emergency, particularly an overdose, seek medical help via 111/999 or attend an appropriate NHS facility.  Helpful advice on NHS website.

If someone discloses suicidal thoughts – Reassure them suicidal thoughts are relatively common in times of crisis, and signpost them to the Samaritans.  Take seriously any evidence of planning, when you may need to take emergency action i.e. phone 999.

If someone is having a panic attack – Take time with them; keep talking (about anything!) and help them to focus on slowing their breathing. 

If someone struggles with OCD – See if they can articulate why they want to continue with their compulsive behaviour rather than speaking directly about the compulsion. If signposting does not help, encourage them to consult their GP.


If someone is in immediate danger, or at immediate risk of harm to themselves or others, call 999 straight away. 


Here is a short list of helpful organisations that you could use for more information or to signpost to. More have been posted to the Commission Churches Social Action page. or ring free 116 123, text and email also available


Mental Health in Covid-19 Times: Part 3


Mental Health in Covid-19 Times: Part 1