Gift Aid declaration
What is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a way that the UK government has chosen to support the work of all UK charities. We qualify under the scheme. For every £1 you give, we can claim 25p from HM Revenue and Customs with Gift Aid. This means that for every £100 given, the charity can get £25 extra from the government, the best part is that it costs you nothing. There is no lower limit on the amount that can be given under the scheme, but whatever the gift, it needs to be traceable back to the giver.
Who can give with Gift Aid?
If you pay tax in the UK at the basic rate or more, you can Gift Aid. Practically please note when it comes to Gift Aid the person signing the form and the bank account holder must be a UK tax payer. It is fine for the money to come from a joint account however the Gift Aid form cannot be signed by a non-tax paying spouse. This is important for couples with joint accounts.
How can I give using Gift Aid?
To sign up for Gift Aid, all you need to do is fill in the form and then click submit.
Gift Aid Declaration
Name of charity: Commission Apostolic Trust Ltd. Charity Number: 1150017