Training for Leadership and Ministry (TLM) is our core programme for equipping and coaching all-new and emerging leaders in our church family. This is a training programme and not simply a ‘taught’ course.
Our hope is that all who complete TLM will receive the necessary skills and knowledge to share the Biblical values of Commission, and to carry the vision we have as a church family. As opposed to the emphasis of Level 1 (Theology for Life) which covers doctrine core to all Evangelical Christianity, at Level 2 we are focussing upon areas of theology and leadership distinct to Commission.
This course aims to do more than simply ‘teach’ on the practices and theologies that make us distinct as a family of churches, but also to ‘train’ you as you seek to equip and lead others.
Applications for this course will open in April 2026

Syllabus Overview
This two-part course will consist of a morning leadership workshop where students share assignment work together and afternoon sessions with guest speakers from across the Commission Family of Churches. This unique approach will give students the opportunity to have a practical incubator to develop their own ministry plans, discipleship relationships and learn from their peers in the morning Leadership workshops. There will be several projects that will allow students to present their creativity and ministry visions.
Ministry training modules
Ascension Gifts: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher
Charismatic Gifts: Exposition of 1 Corinthians 12-14
Deacons and Elders
Serving in the Local Church
The Baptism of The Holy Spirit
Complementarian Theology: A Biblical Overview
Church History
Diversity in Leadership
World Mission
Teaching and Preaching
Sacraments: Baptism and The Lord’s Supper
Philosophies of Ministry and Contextualisation
Pastoral care in the local church
Social justice and ministry to the poor
Children and Youth Work
Church Planting
Ministry training modules
Understanding leaderships styles and techniques
Effective leadership
Personal and organizational vision
Understanding team dynamics and team giftings
Casting vision in a ministry context
Organizing and communicating a strategic vision
Understanding relationships within team dynamics
Effectively leading people with diverse giftings
Who should apply?
For all those who are in positions of leadership and influence within a Commission church (or who feel called to this for the future), who have not completed an equivalent programme in the past.
Who is delivering the training?
Training for Leadership and Ministry will be facilitated by Adam Watson, drawing on an array of proven leaders and trainers from within our family of churches.
Course Details
Hope Church, Winchester
Two years, running monthly on a Saturday, from September - May each academic year
Session Times
9:30 am-4:00pm
£750 per year
Application Deadline
The application window has closed.
We want to make sure this course is as open and accessible as possible. If you have a specific accessibility need, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at
For any queries about this course please contact or call +44 1202 132701

What our Students say…
“The range of gifted speakers were so easy to listen to, and I’m going to miss being inspired in my faith and ministry role every month!”
“I came away with a ton of helpful notes and a healthy challenge for myself and our Church.”
“Loving this course, so much to learn and such a privilege to be able to learn from such great teachers, feeling blessed...”
Find out more about Training For Leadership and Ministry
Course Leader
Adam Watson
Adam is currently a Church Planter in Central London and Commission Trainer. He received a BA from Texas State University, a Masters of Arts in Christians Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary, and is currently studying for his Doctorate of Educational Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary with a focus on international and missional training residencies. Adam has served as a pastor, missionary, and educator for the last 12 years. He is married to Laura, they have one daughter Lucy and a son Jack.
Adam serves Commission as the TLM host, and is working with Commission in partnership with New International.

Training Dates

21st September 2024
19th October 2024
23rd November 2024
14th December 2024
18th January 2025
8th February 2025
8th March 2025
26th April 2025
17th May 2025
13th September
11th October
8th November
13th December
17th January
28th February
14th March
25th April
16th May