News and blogs
From across the Commission network
Opening Doors
“Surely you need to talk about Jesus!”
Insights into Cross-Cultural mission - part 2
Lebanon - The Journey Begins
We were becoming, for the first time, outsiders.
Insights into Cross-Cultural Mission - part 1
CF23 - Unshakeable Joy
We are not the first people to camp in a field under an ink black starry sky…and we won’t be the last!
Reclaiming: 4. Purpose
Our identity remains the same, we are loved, accepted, and secure In Christ but our purpose may change.
Reclaiming: 3. Power
When we consider power, it’s not about taking control over others but taking control of ourselves.
Reclaiming: 2. Wellbeing
Emotions can act as a gauge of what is really going on in our hearts so even what is seen as negative emotions can be seen as positive if we learn to respond to them in a healthy way.
Reclaiming: 1. Identity
We can spend a lot of time trying to figure out who we are and where we fit. Who am I? …Without God, we’re groping in the dark for the answers to this question.
Three days with the International team
The embrace, the laughter and the excited conversations all make me think of that final day when we hang up our swords, kick off our hiking boots, and together bow before our king. What a glorious day that will be.
Commission Festival 2023
It will be 4 years (next year) since we last gathered in the Westpoint Showground for the Festival, and I believe next year’s Festival will write thousands of new memories for all those who come.
Her Story: Dee
I have learnt over the years to listen to such sad stories. I hope Jesus’ love shines through. Has the work been successful? Someone once told me that ‘success is doing what God has told you to do’.
Guy’s Easter Blog
Our challenge to myself and all of us is this - can we lower our drawbridge to welcome the stranger and neighbour into our homes and break with the spirit of self-sufficiency?
Responding to Social Injustice
The report of a meeting with 25 key representatives from the Newfrontiers network of churches.
A time for preparation and action
How to prepare your churches for increasing poverty as a result of the pandemic.
Launch of ‘Vision for Meru 2040’
Edward Buria marks ‘A moment in history’ in Kenya alongside county governor.
Coaching for church pioneers
Stewardship offer ‘game changing’ governance support through their church planting pathway.