Social action directory

This directory gives a wonderful summary of all the amazing social action that is happening every week across churches in the Commission family. It contains much useful information so please make it available to others in your church.

One of the benefits of being part of a church family is being able to share experience and skills easily, or access others who might be further ahead in their journey. Perhaps you are looking to get started in a particular area of social action, or perhaps you have hit some challenges, or simply looking for inspiration. Why not think about connecting with other churches who are doing similar work to you? 

If you’d like anything updated in the directory, please get in touch with

How to use the directory:

You can use the search bar bellow to enter a keyword (i.e “Foodbank” or '“Bournemouth”) - all entries related to that key word will appear. You can also click each church name to reveal more information about the churches’ specific social action projects.