Story Church London

From the Nations to the Nations

Story Church London is a new Commission church plant in Central London. We love the story of the Gospel, Jesus' story! We love seeing Jesus redeem people's stories. It is our prayer to send people from the nations to the nations of the world to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Laura have been married 10 years and have served in both church and parachurch ministries across multiple nations. They have a 4 year old named Lucy and a 17 month old boy, born in London, named Jack. London is now home to this growing family.

Adam, Laura and their family

Why London?

"When people talk about how the Gospel of Jesus Christ can change the world, they start talking about London. William Wilberforce, Charles Spurgeon, George Whitefield, Elizabeth Fry, John Wycliffe, John Wesley and many others have been caught up by God's grace in this city and have invested themselves for his glory here. Their stories have inspired people all over the world." - Ben Virgo.

London is unlike any other city in the world. People from across the globe have made their home here, bringing countless cultures, languages, and stories. What a joy it is to realize that this is no accident! God has brought the nations to our doorstep, and we are compelled by His love to go and make disciples of all of them.

Our dream is that missional communities from Story Church London would take root in every borough of London, each one a radiant light for Jesus in its neighbourhood. We long to see people from every background, whether born in London or newly arrived, hear the Gospel and respond in faith. We long to see the nations worshipping Jesus together, united by His blood and filled with His Spirit.

Where do we gather?

We came with nothing but God has already opened incredible doors for us in Paddington. We've been given a space to use at The Agape Center, which happens to be the only Arabic Bible store in London. We've also received 60 free chairs—an unexpected but tangible blessing! Each step of this journey has been marked by God's provision and faithfulness.

Wagih Abdelmassih has been a pastor in London for over 30 years and has run the Agape Center for 24 years. He and his wife, Mary, have ministered to the Arabic community with a heart to share the love of Jesus with Muslims in London and Arabic-speaking peoples worldwide. They have faithfully served and continue to carry the hope of the Gospel.

On the first day I met Wagih, after sharing with him about how we had moved our family to the UK to plant a church with Commission and my testimony, he smiled and told me we should start our church in the Agape Center and that he had 60 chairs in the basement waiting for us to use. It is a 5-minute walk from Paddington Station where we have been prayer walking since we arrived in London and we have been blown away by the generosity and kindness of everyone at the Agape Center.

We've witnessed the Lord's power and grace through our partnership with Pastor Wagih's generosity in welcoming us to begin gathering at the Agape Centre in Paddington, which is a testament to the beauty of the global church united for the sake of the Gospel. The Agape Centre is a sacred space, a hub for proclaiming the love of Jesus in one of the most diverse cities in the world. As we've stepped into this partnership, God has knit our hearts together with Pastor Wagih and his community in ways that reflect the beauty of Revelation 7:9—a vision of every nation, tribe, people, and language standing before the throne of God. Together, we share the burden of reaching the nations that God has brought to London, especially the Muslim community, with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

Adam, Laura and Guy Miller in London.

How did we get here?

A Calling Confirmed in the Snow: In December 2022, Laura, Lucy and I visited London. We had built connections there over the years; however, we started to sense God calling us to potentially international. One night, as we gathered for prayer on Brick Lane with our friend Paul, I laid out a fleece before God: "If you want us to move here, make it snow before we leave." I didn't think much of it at the time, but the next day turned out to be unforgettable. 

We had arranged a casual coffee meeting with Guy Miller, who led Commission at the time. A friendly chat became a three-hour conversation about life, ministry, and calling. Through tears, Guy shared, "I've been praying for three years for someone to plant a church out of Westminster Chapel and train people to reach Muslims. Adam, would you consider being like a pastor and a missionary with us?" Guy said, "We have no money, no job description, but we need couples like you to join us at Commission around the world." 

As we walked out of Westminster Chapel, we walked past Buckingham Palace, still overwhelmed by the conversation, snow flurries began to fall. It snowed six inches that night. While God by no means had to make it snow, it was a moment of divine confirmation. A gracious gift from God for us to remember. We met again to pray with Guy and pastor Howard Satterthaite. It was a very confirming and encouraging time of prayer. Guy's parting words echoed in my mind: "You have a moment to choose between comfort and faith… and you'll never forget this moment." 

In the snow that evening!

Later that month, back in the US, we found ourselves saying yes to God and yes to the opportunity and relationship Guy offered. He and Heather pledged to journey with us as we started our new life in a new city, and we've become so grateful for our 'London parents'. 

On the 20th of July 2023, our family embarked on an exciting journey, leaving our family behind at the airport in Atlanta. With tearful eyes, faith, love, and nine checked bags, we set out to start a new life in London, carrying with us a seven-month pregnancy and our adorable toddler. Upon our arrival, we were welcomed by the Westminster Chapel family, who showed us tremendous hospitality and kindness.

Adam being prayed for at Prayer & Fasting 2023

From the outset, we were touched by the support of others helping us with everything from logistics to setting up bank accounts, phones, and grocery shopping. Their humility and joy have been a blessing to us, and we are thrilled to be a part of this church community before moving on. Reflecting on our journey, we could never have imagined living on the Westminster Chapel site during our first seven weeks and how they welcomed us to London.

It has been a wonderful experience to be embraced by the Commission family of churches, which has been a vital force in God's work in the heart of the city for many years. We are so thankful to have connected with Commission churches, pastors, and new friends all over the UK. We have been so blessed by Commission and the relationships that make up our family of churches.

We are so grateful for Commission welcoming our family with open arms to be on mission for Jesus! We had the honour of announcing Story Church London a few months ago at Commission Festival 2024 with believers in Commission churches from all around the globe. What a difference our first year in the UK made. We praise God for all the friendships and relationships along the way. Laura said it well: "When I was under the big red tent last year, I was 8 months pregnant with our son Jack, anticipating his arrival and this year, we are anticipating God giving life to Story Church London!"

Adam & Laura at Commission Festival 2024

What’s the story?

At Story Church, we believe every soul has a story, and Jesus is still writing your story. It's a story of redemption, hope, and love found only in Jesus Christ.

The Gospel is the best news the world has ever known. In Jesus, we find forgiveness, purpose, and eternal life. His story is one of perfect love: He took our place on the cross and rose again, defeating sin and death. Through His sacrifice, we are redeemed, and our stories are transformed into testimonies of His goodness.

If you've been longing for redemption, for a fresh start, know this: God sees you, loves you, and is ready to write a new chapter in your life. Jesus came to give us life abundantly (John 10:10), and His love can forever change your story. Come as you are, follow Jesus, and let Him make your story one of hope, freedom, and grace.

Podcast: Tell the story

One of the things we want to celebrate is the stories of what the Spirit of God is doing in London. In this first podcast series, we highlight ministry friends within Commission and other organizations that we partner with as a church, including Ben Virgo, Neil Powell, Todd Morr and others. We pray each episode is an encouragement about the story God is writing in London. 

Join Adam and Christian Heritage London Director Ben Virgo as they explore the rich gospel history of London in our latest episode of the Story Church London Podcast! From legendary London sites to life-changing stories, this episode dives into the heart of how gospel movements of the past continue to inspire today's mission. Don’t miss this fascinating conversation filled with faith, history, and encouragement for today’s church!

How can you pray?

  • Our Core Team: We need people to commit to planting in London with us. Pray that God would bring together the right people for this moment as we sow seeds of prayer in the Paddington area. Some of you reading this may even be some of those who may join us! :)

  • Our Family: We are looking for a home near where we meet. Please pray for local impact, relationships, Lucy's new school, and long-term relationships. We want our church to be a family on mission.

  • Community: Pray for our new missional communities launching and for leaders as they commit to serve the Lord where God has placed them. Pray for their impact as communities and their growth in the Gospel.

  • Sending: Pray that we would be a church that makes disciples for the glory of Jesus' name - that we would be a church that pursues the Great Commission to make disciples that make disciples of the nations! We believe God will send church planters and missionaries from London! 

Join us at Story Church

We're just getting started, and we'd love for you to be part of this journey. If you have a heart for the nations and want to see the gospel impact London, here's how you can connect with us:


Is God stirring you to be a part of launching Story Church London? You are invited to join a missional community and come to a worship night on Sundays at 4 PM at Agape in Paddington to learn more. We would love to pray with you and explore how God wants us to partner in the Gospel! Click here to learn more or email

We're praying that you will be encouraged to step out in faith and follow God's call—whatever that may be. The harvest is plentiful, and we believe God is on the move in London. See you soon! 


Adam, Laura, Lucy and Jack


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Adam Watson

Commission Church Planter


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