A Season Of Greater Fruitfulness
Welcoming 4 New Elder Couples at Hope Winchester
Our February in Winchester began with a special and important evening of prayer as we had the honour and privilege of welcoming four new elders to the team at Hope Winchester. Your prayers as part of our wider Commission family are always so appreciated, so please read on to hear how they can make a difference to all God is doing here in Winchester and beyond.
All elders gathered on stage during prayer evening, with Tim Blaber praying collectively for the team
This encouraging passage was shared by a member of our church family as we closed a poignant time of prayer for our four new elder couples at Hope this February:
Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing. (Ezekiel 47:12)
This scripture was not only significant for our church and new leaders but also held deep meaning for those who recall it being prophesied 25 years ago by Rodney Kingston—a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness and promise for Hope and Winchester.
This special edition of our monthly prayer gathering united our church in praying over Wai Wan, John Crossland, Matt Rolfe, and Henrik Steinbrecher with their wives as these godly men stepped forward into their calling as elders for Hope Church. We were joined by Guy Miller and Malcom Keyes, who helped lead the evening as we thanked God and sought Him for the journey ahead.
Above Left - Wai and Anne Wan & Above Right - John and Lou Crossnald
Above Left - Matt and Laura Rolfe & Above Right - Henrik and Carol Steinbrecher
Guy Miller also shared a striking picture for the eldership team, who stood together on stage alongside the newly appointed couples. He described a flourishing forest of British trees being enriched by diverse, exotic fruit trees—a beautiful illustration of God’s heart for the nations and the increasing diversity within Hope. This imagery reflected how our eldership team now embodies even greater fruitfulness through their unique gifts, hearts, and leadership.
Guy Miller bringing a short message and encouragement
The evening culminated in heartfelt prayers as the church surrounded each new elder couple with encouragement and intercession.
We are excited and expectant for this new season as Tim Blaber faithfully leads this diverse and gifted team in shepherding our church. Please join us in praying for these leaders as they step into this calling:
That they remain fruitful in all God calls them to, ushering in a new season for the church.
That they and their families are protected from any schemes that seek to harm them or the church.
That Hope Winchester continues to grow under their leadership by God’s hand, bringing revival to the broken, lost, and hurting in our city and beyond.